Fire Protection Maintenance

Looking after your people and property

FIre Protection maintenance

All Inclusive, Fully Comprehensive, No More to Pay.

It’s about more than service… it’s about prevention! With typical service agreements, you pay money for priority service when there’s a problem.

For a fixed Quarterly premium, REDMEN Fire Protection Management can take responsibility for the total breakdown and maintenance cost of your Fire Protection Systems and Equipment. Choosing our Comprehensive Maintenance Plan offers you peace of mind, allowing for accurate budgeting and cash flow management, and protects you from the operational challenges that sudden and unexpected equipment failure can create.

Under our Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, Redmen Fire Protection Management employs a more exhaustive maintenance program, to ensure that risk of equipment breakdown is kept to an absolute minimum.

Components that we diagnose as faulty we will replace or repair immediately, without the need for quoting and authorisation, therefore preventing more costly breakdowns in the future. As a result, clients who take up comprehensive fire protection maintenance agreements report a greatly reduced breakdown rate and overall cost savings of as much as 20%.

A Redmen CMP provides vital Preventative and Reactive fire protection maintenance for mission-critical equipment. Let Redmen CMP provide you with the most comprehensive solution in the industry, designed solely to keep you Protected and Compliant.


Fire systems downtime and failures can represent a major increase in risk and thus possible major potential loss for your building and disruption to your business, however investment in a Redmen Comprehensive Maintenance Program (CMP) can ensure that all aspects related to the efficient running of your building fire protection is taken care of.

Rely on Redmen to customise a solution to meet your needs. Whether it is at one site or multiple locations, we have the capabilities to offer you a full suite of site Fire Protection Maintenance management solutions of your systems and assets. The Redmen CMP covers all technical services including fire protection inspection, testing, preventative maintenance and reactive maintenance, and staff evacuation preparedness.

Our Comprehensive Maintenance Program is a full-service plan. We also offer you the convenience of a single point of contact, through a trained dedicated Key Account Manager

Our preventative fire protection maintenance programs are designed to maximise performance and reliability, while minimising disruption and running costs.

We will proactively maintain your Fire Protection Systems and Equipment and conduct annual audits (AFSA) to benchmark the performance of your assets, and ultimately provide an Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS). Our team of qualified technicians will work to prolong the life of your critical equipment and to ensure you have fewer unplanned maintenance events.

As a client of Redmen, we take the time to understand your needs and will work with you to build a Fire Protection CMP solution that will meet your operating and budgetary requirements, whilst complying with Australian Standards and our industry’s Code of Practice.

PreventATive Maintenance

Our Preventative Maintenance (PM) programs incorporates basic maintenance. We call it Inspect and Test and Maintenance to ensure that the Fire Systems and Equipment’s basic requirements are addressed. It involves performing the fundamental equipment servicing that is essential to assuring the continued operation of the equipment. We also address potential causes for asset failures. The asset is scheduled to be out of service so that we can conduct a variety of tests. We replace parts if necessary to ensure that the Fire protection asset is running at its optimal designed condition.

Reactive Maintenance

We understand that the Reliable Protection of your business depends on the reliable and Effective operation of your Fire Protection Systems and Equipment. Consequently, we are here to help 24/7 to help you in the event that an emergency breakdown arises. Our 24-hour emergency response team consists of a fleet of experienced technicians, supported by a dedicated call centre team. They have a commitment to minimizing your downtime and outages by protecting and maintaining the integrity of your mission critical equipment.

Fire safety hydrant EQUIPMENT Australian Standard AS1851
Fire Protection Technician accessing Extinguisher on construction site for fire equipment installation

Why Choose a Redmen Comprehensive Maintenance Package?

Instant Recognition

As a member of our Service Partner Plan you will be flying “first class” whenever you receive fire protection service or repair.


Having fire protection systems and equipment taken care of, preserving manufacturer’s warranties on major component failures.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your fire protection systems and equipment are operating safely and efficiently.

Priority Service

We put you in the front of the line for service in the unlikely event that you experience the need for any type of urgent service.

20% Discount

Redmen CMP customers are given a 20% discount off any new equipment that they require.

Increase Equipment Life Span

Our routine maintenance extends your Fire Protection Equipment and Systems Life span.


You have the option of transferring your plan to your new premises if you move.

Annual Site Audit

We shall attend site and undertake a fire protection compliance audit and report results.

Inflation Hedge

Your planned fire protection maintenance costs will be fixed for the term of the contract, typically 3 years minimum. And you’ll have the costs budgeted for automatically. You don’t need to worry - we’ll take care of it!

Trained Technicians

We employ highly trained and trade certified fire protection technicians.

Improved systems/equipment reliability

Keeping fire systems and equipment operating 100% of the time is our constant objective.

Automatically warranties

All new installs for 6 months.

Guaranteed 4 Hour response

Four hour response time for remedial service for equipment.

Prices held Firm for 3 Years

Due to the frequencies of maintenance under AS1851-2012, we offer fixed 3-Year Price.

Reduced administration for you

No need to raise purchase orders for repairs. We just do them!

Reduced Management Time for you

As we just attend site and fix whatever needs to be fixed, we inform you what we are doing. However, you do not need to invest your limited time getting involved in your fire protection systems and equipment management.

Faster Procedure for Repairs

We just raise a new job onsite for any repairs - the process is much faster.

Continued Australian Standards Compliance

The fast Preventative and Reactive Maintenance, ensure continued maintenance in accordance with Australian Standards.

Faster Reporting – Web Based

All PM and RM is reported electronically and placed automatically onto the Redmen Client Website Portal.

Maintenance Charts

Redmen provides a fire protection maintenance matrix, which includes maintenance frequency checklists, and the maintenance summary via a Fire Protection Outstanding Works Status.

fully comprehensive fire protection maintenance

Our proposal includes All required Preventative and Reactive Maintenance, incorporating inspection, Testing, Maintenance in accordance with the requirements of Australian Standards AS1851-2012. The Redmen CMP also incorporates Wear and Tear Repairs. However, see our Inclusions and exclusions below.

Comprehensive Maintenance Package includes:

    • All Service and Inspection of All Fire Protection Equipment
    • All Testing of Fire Protection Systems
    • All Repairs Due to Wear and Tear of all fire protection Equipment
    • All Repairs due to Wear and Tear of fire protection Systems
    • All Maintenance as per AS 1851-2012
    • Fire Systems Overhauls
    • Fire Extinguisher Pressure Test and Refills
    • Exit Light New Batteries and Tubes
    • Fire Hydrant Flow Testing
    • Fire Sprinkler Flow Testing
    • EWIS System Db Noise Level Test
    • EWIS System Intelligibility Test
    • Fire Booster Pump Overhauls
    • Fire Sprinkler System Overhauls
    • Fire Pump Fuels (normal testing use only)
    • All Repair Parts
    • All Emergency Call Outs – 24/7 (excludes Christmas day)
    • Fire Evacuation Training (1 session per Year)
    • Fire Evacuation Diagrams (updated yearly)
    • All Labor Costs
    • All Travel Costs
    • All Reporting via Redmen Web Portal
    • All System Test Books.
    • All Equipment Barcodes
    • Council’s Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
    • Regular Fire Protection Outstanding Works Discussion
    • With your Nominated Key Account Manager, we call a FPOWSFire Protection Outstanding Works Status.


    • New Units / Equipment as a FULL REPLACEMENT. Our proposal ONLY allows for Parts to Repair a piece of equipment, NOT to replace the whole Unit.
    • Any work due to site modifications or extensions.
    • Damage due to Acts of God, e.g………… lightning strikes.
    • Major Fire / EWIS Panel Parts such as PC or Motherboards.
    • 3rd Party Costs, e.g………… getting another fire company to program a proprietary panel (if required).
    • Special site allowances.
    • Any client special reporting requirements.
    • OH&S special client required training or induction.
    • Any new equipment required for compliance of Standards, building code and/or occupational health and safety requirements.
    • Misuse of fire protection equipment by your staff or others, e.g………… using fire hose reel for wash down or cleaning purposes.

Please call us for further information or email

Download our Comprehensive Maintenance Protection brochure

See our Fire Protection Compliance programs as well.

Maintenance Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance

Our specialist areas of maintenance (Inspection, testing, service & maintenance) include:

✓ Fire sprinkler systems

✓ Thermal and smoke alarm systems

✓ Fire hydrant and hose reel systems

✓ Emergency warning and evacuation systems

Building Occupant warning systems (BOWS)

✓ Fixed & portable fire extinguishers

Fire doors & frames

✓ Exit & Emergency lighting

✓ Gas suppression systems

Restaurant suppression systems

✓ Pump sets (diesel & electric)

✓ Water storage

Why Choose Us For Fire Protection Equipment

Experienced Team

For more than 20 years, we’ve been protecting Australians and their business.

Fire Safety Specialists

Together with you, we create the protection that considers all of your needs.

Licensed & Insured

We meet the highest local and regional standards, and use only certified products.

Competitive Prices

You’ll receive the highest quality products and services, at the very best prices.

Let us look after your premises!

Call us at 1300 733 636 or contact us for your free quote.

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