Fire Extinguisher Refills & 5 Yearly Pressure Tests
Fire Extinguisher Refills & 5 Yearly Pressure Tests
5 Yearly Pressure Testing in accordance with AS1851
Red Men are a fully accredited fire extinguisher Recharge & Pressure Test Facility
Fire extinguishers need pressure testing every five years. This can be done by a registered fire extinguisher service organisation, such as Redmen Fire Protection Management. If an extinguisher is discharged, even partially, it needs a refilled by a registered fire extinguisher service organisation.
Invest in fire protection: fire extinguisher refills and pressure testing
Redmen Fire Protection Management helps business owners in Newcastle, Sydney, the Central Coast, and the Hunter Valley protect what matters to them – their people and their property.
Call us today on 1300 733 636 or email , and let us help you protect your business and your people by ensuring the maintenance of your fire extinguisher refills and pressure tests.
While we are on the topic of Fire Extinguishers, here is some advice that may save a life:
How To Use A Fire Extinguisher – PASS Technique
We all know what a fire extinguisher looks like. However, do you know how to use a fire extinguisher when crunch time comes?
There is one mnemonic that helps us learn how to use a fire extinguisher safely and ensure you have the right preparation for an emergency!
That is the PASS Technique
PASS is the acronym that describes the four essential steps of operating a fire extinguisher. In order, the four steps are:
Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. The pin or other locking device prevents the handle from an accidental press. Immediately test the extinguisher before approaching the fire to ensure it is working correctly.
Aim the nozzle of the extinguisher at the base of the fire while standing at a safe distance.
Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
Sweep the fire extinguisher nozzle from side to side. The focus of your aim must remain the base of the fire until the fire is extinguished.
To stop, release the handle. Maintain a safe distance when releasing the handle as the fire could flare up again.
Fire extinguishers are for small fires only. Don’t put yourself in danger by trying to tackle a larger fire.
Once you use extinguishers, arrange for their recharge with fire extinguisher refills.
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