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Managing Vegetation and Gardens Around Fire Hydrants

FRNSW requires that fire hydrants be kept clear and accessible at all times. Their accessibility will be checked in reports under sections 28, 50, and 51 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021.

While a well-kept garden is nice, it’s important to make sure that plants do not block access to fire hydrants. Regular pruning is needed to keep a clear space of at least 1 meter around each hydrant on all sides. This helps ensure that hydrants are visible and easy to reach.

Regular garden upkeep, especially during the growing season, is essential to prevent plants from growing into the required clear zones. Overgrown plants can obstruct firefighting efforts, delay emergency responses, and make fire situations worse.

According to AS1851, your fire contractor should regularly check that all valves and boosters are accessible. If they find any issues, you will need to address the garden maintenance right away.

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